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What is and how does it relate to Trezor hardware wallets? is a web page provided by Trezor, a popular brand of hardware wallets used for storing cryptocurrencies securely. This page serves as a starting point for setting up and initializing your Trezor hardware wallet. When you first purchase a Trezor device, you'll typically be directed to this page to begin the setup process.

The setup involves steps like connecting your Trezor device to your computer or mobile device, choosing a PIN code, and creating a recovery seed (a list of words used to recover access to your wallet in case the device is lost or damaged). guides users through these setup procedures in a user-friendly manner, ensuring that their cryptocurrency holdings are protected by strong security measures.

Overall, is an essential component of the user experience for anyone using a Trezor hardware wallet, helping them set up their device securely and access their cryptocurrency assets with confidence.

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